Volume 18, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2019
- A Message from the Editorial Team
- Stephen Porges - A Message from the USABP Honorary Director of Research
- Judyth O Weaver - Three Sensory Awareness Meditations
- Alice Kahn Ladas - Early Coping Strategies
- Carmen Joanne Ablack - Finding Our Intercultural Ground
- Julianne Appel Opper - English Smiles Italian Shoulders and a German Therapist
- Marc Rackelmann - If you turn me into a fag I will Kill you - Body Psychotherapy and its Potential Role to help Real Men to become Real Men
- M Camaroto and R Pottenger - Female Sexual Objectification and the Castrated Feminine
- Anne Isaacs and Joel Isaacs - Making Somatic Psychotherapy More Effective
- Leslie A Ellis - Body DreamWork - Using Focusing to Find the Life Force Inherent in Dreams
- Darcy Lubbers - Body Map Protocol. Integrating Art Therapy and Focusing
- Homayoun Sahri - Integration of Traumatic Memeories
- Will Davis - Working Safely with Trauma - Abused and Still Alive
- Judyth O Weaver - Somatic Meditation 2
- Jennifer Frank Tantia - Towards a Somatically Informed Paradigm in Embodied Research
- Christina Bader Johansson - Depression and Body Psychotherapy A Qualitative Study from a Resilience Perspective
- Lawrence E Hedges - Sexual Pleasure in light of Intersubjectivity Neuroscience
- Beatrice Casavecchia - The Principle of Minimum Stimulus in the Autopoietic Process of Bioenergetic Self Regulation Bonding and Embodiment
- Cynthia Kerson - Biofeedback as a Viable Somatic Modality for Trauma and Related Comorbidities - A New Methodology
- Ulrich Sollmann - Ethics and Ethos as Essential Elements of Professionalization of Body Psychotherapy
- Judyth O Weaver - Somatic Meditation 3
- Herbert Grassman - Trauma Research and Body Psychotherapy
- Ernst Meyer - Body Psychotherapy in Australia
- Adam Bambury - Book Review - The Routledge International Handbook of Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy
- Special Offer Routledge Taylor and Francis Group Discount on Mental Health Books
- Our Questionnaire